Last Day of Internship at St. Mary's HSS: A Chapter of Growth and Realizations

As the sun set on my last day at St. Mary's HSS, I couldn't help but feel a cocktail of emotions - excitement for the future, nostalgia for the days gone by, and a deep gratitude for all that I've learned and the people I've met.

New Experiences: Every day was a new adventure. Whether it was a surprise challenge, an unexpected lesson, or a chance to dive into an unfamiliar project, the experience constantly pushed me out of my comfort zone. From understanding the nuances of the institution's culture to grasping new technical skills, St. Mary's HSS was a playground for growth.

Duties: My time at St. Mary's wasn’t just about learning, but also about contributing. The responsibilities bestowed upon me were both an honour and a testament to the trust my mentors placed in me. Each task, big or small, was a lesson in accountability, diligence, and teamwork.

Unlearning: Perhaps one of the most profound aspects of my internship was the process of unlearning. I had to let go of preconceived notions, embrace flexibility, and be open to change. This taught me that sometimes, to move forward, you have to unlearn some of the things you thought you knew.

As I close this chapter, I'm armed with a treasure trove of memories, skills, and relationships. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to St. Mary's HSS for being more than just a workplace; it was a school of life.

Looking forward, I’m eager to take the lessons from this internship and apply them to new horizons. Here's to new beginnings, armed with the wisdom of the past!

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